How to promote web TV? You set up a web TV, put on 24 hours, you’re producing content, doing interviews, all that stuff, but you don’t have an audience.

So, the first factor for audience on webTV itself, called SEO or S E O, brought from the English of Search Engine Optimization, that is, content optimization for search engines. Translating, when the person searches there on Google that your content is displayed.
Okay, you need to keep that in mind, if you want to live off web TV, you want to monetize your web TV, that is, for the church, for the radio, for whatever the foundation of your web TV is, its purpose, you You need to keep in mind that SEO work is essential for organic search, and organic search brings fantastic results for your business.
Wow Josimar, more SEO for web TV, how am I going to do this? Yes, as we said, there are several forms of web TV, the best way to use it is a 24-hour system that allows you to do live, and these lives can be recorded.
Our system already does this automatically and makes it available for you to post within a Video Gallery, that is, a 24-hour live web TV with a video gallery of the most popular articles.
This Video Gallery, it is optimized, the videos are optimized so that, if there is a Google search, for example: interview with the governor of the state of Minas Gerais. So, if the person searches for: Interview with the governor of the state of Minas Gerais, let the result of your web TV come.
Of course, it’s not that simple, because everyone is looking for it. But from the moment you do this kind of work for your city, your business starts to bring in an audience overnight.Yes, it’s overnight, because if you don’t have any competition that does this kind of work, it’s going to be “papaya with sugar”.
And I’ll tell you about the marketing aspect, I see that people are still very lacking in this matter of content, of web TV news. Nobody, I won’t say anybody, but very few people explore marketing in order to promote web TV. They just post on social media and think this is publicity.
The first aspect of outreach, understand SEO, study SEO so you understand its context. Second, I’ve played around with social media now, but it’s extremely important. You need to use social media, but you need to use it intelligently.
When you post a new story, when you have a new video or when you go in to do a live broadcast, you go on the social network, look, live broadcast of an interview with the governor, an interview with the mayor, an interview with the artist who is going to do it. the show at the bar today.
It doesn’t matter, this kind of thing has engagement, you post art on the social network, you can use it like I said before. In the video on how to produce content, a lot of the tool I mentioned, go back there and you’ll understand sorry.
So, you post art inviting the person to see it, at the time of an interview, you take your most precious content, which is the interview of a person who has a popular appeal and throws it on Instagram for free, on Facebook, on YouTube.
Then they will monetize. Don’t do that, interviews yes, call make a little call connect on the social network. Stay there for 5 minutes, talk to us, we are live here in the studio, so you can continue watching, please, access the link below and you will see it on our web TV, on our website. Look how fantastic!
But Josimar, so I’m going to keep forcing the user to go to my site, I’m going to lose audience. You will understand in the class that I explain about how to monetize, that this is essential. It’s much better to have 10,000 people on your website than 100,000 on YouTube.
Believe it, because YouTube doesn’t allow you to advertise in there. Who makes money is YouTube. YouTube takes down your broadcast because of GDPR, but also because of copyright, so that doesn’t make any sense.
You are not the youtuber, when you are a company and you have a web TV and you have your website, understand, an audience for you has your qualified audience, which will bring you money.
It’s no use having thousands of videos, if you don’t have money in your pocket, it doesn’t help you pay the bills. So, back to SEO, smart social media, no more providing your free content.
Partnerships, partnerships are important, to promote web TV. If you are from a church, partner with people who are references from the church, if your web TV is for a radio station to sell course, partner with people who have an affinity with your business, do interviews.
This is important for mutual outreach, grow, grow, or win wins. But you have to really win, let’s offer something, for us to have something in return, something that is relevant. Let’s put ourselves in people’s shoes, don’t come up with absurd partnerships, if not, you’re going to take a no.
Come up with something that is relevant to the person and that is relevant to you. Make partnerships, seek references from your market to be able to do interviews, interact, ask for references, look for the offline world, yes, the offline world.
Marketing folks, it’s marketing, regardless of whether it’s outdoors, radio, TV, web TV. You can often leverage your web TV if you have good content with a billboard, a billboard, on a road that has a lot of access.
Look at the balcony, a billboard with a big QR Code, web TV of the city x, if it’s a nice way, you can start to raise much more than investing in Instagram, Facebook Ads, which is another strategy that I’m going to talk about now.
You also have to invest a little bit in Ads to be able to advertise. You are in a city of 200,000, 300,000 and 400,000 inhabitants, with very little money, you can broadcast web TV to the entire city.
How do you do this? You will have to research, how to use Facebook Ads? How to use Instagram Ads? It is not my goal to teach this issue of digital marketing. I’m giving you what to do, the how to do it, you’ll have to research. If not, this video will be 10 hours long again.
So, use Facebook ADS, use Instagram Ads, use SEO that we talked about, you will have to worry about making partnerships, using the offline world
Create an account or log in to Facebook. Connect with friends, family and others you know.
The offline world can be a folder at the bar, if your audience is young people, it’s the guy who goes to the bar, goes to the bar, there’s no problem.
If your business is online but doesn’t compete with radio, partner with the local radio folks at local tv. This generates a buzz that you can reach customers from all sides.
Make podcasts, make multiplatforms like I said before about content production. These are some ideas that I gave you here to share.
We also have the issue of Google ADS, which is paid, you can sponsor a specific keyword, for example: web TV from Minas Gerais, web TV from São Paulo, online TV from São Paulo.
You can pay 50 cents per click, for all people who are in São Paulo and search for web TV in São Paulo, your web TV appears first.
Advertise with Google Ads
You just have to be careful, this is kind of a money tap, if you turn on the tap and don’t know how to dose the money goes away very quickly. Don’t put money without knowing it overnight, study a little or hire an agency to do it for you.
But it’s easy, the only place you’ll spend a lot of money is the capital, Belo Horizonte, Rio, São Paulo, then you’ll spend a lot of money, but on the other hand, you’ll earn a lot of money, because the audience is very large, they come a lot fast.
Google ADS, Facebook ADS, SEO, Instagram, Partnerships, Offline Disclosures, whether radio, folder, or sound car. Sound car, even today there are people using it and it works, for supermarkets, bakeries, anyway I’m just here trying to popularize your mind so you know that you can spread web TV on any channel you know with intelligence.
Finally, do not make the serious mistake of using the social network as an end, the social network is a means, the end is your website. Orkut is over, facebook is decreasing, it has this metaverse story that nobody knows if it will work or not. The day Zuckerberg announced the metaverse, stocks plummeted.
The trend is for Facebook to end, Instagram is going, Tik Tok is stealing a bunch of Instagram, it’s cyclical, what’s not cyclical is your website, your domain, your www.yourdomain this never ended.
Equal lot, bought, passed the deed is yours. So use your intelligence, your time, your content, to direct people to your channel.
We continue our series in the next videos.
- Date - 26/08/2022